
Internal Competitions

Internal Competitions

We normally have six internal club 'league' competitions spread through the season, but because we are currently using ZOOM to meet, we will only be able to use Projected Images for the three competitions before Christmas. If circumstances permit after Christmas and we are able to meet again, then we will be able to use prints again. Just to be clear, we have suspended the 'leagues' for this season and we have also made all the internal competitions 'Open', (no set subjects).

Our internal competitions are not just for the competitive photographer but are an ideal opportunity to have your work critiqued by a judge. The independent advice of a judge is one means of helping to improve your photography. Images will be scored by the judge out of 20 but members may have their images critiqued and not scored by the judge, (but must inform the Competition Secretary in advance).

The revised rules for this season only are under development, so please keep an eye on this website for details, especially with regards to the number of images that can be submitted and the timings.

To see how to submit digital images for the Internal competitions see under "How To" in the main menu at the top of this page